Tuesday, September 25, 2018


In our last post, we've talked about the idea of leadership and leadership qualities. Today we bring you a new and fresh post on functions and responsibility of good leaders, now let's quickly get down to business, the functions and responsibilities are as follow :

  • INITIATION OF IDEAS : a leader, as the name implies, is expected to develop the organisation or the community that he lead. Therefore, one of the responsibility of a leader is to develop good idea that will transform the quality of life and that will develop the human capacity of the people that he or she leads. It is those initiative that will stand out in the future as the achievement and legacy of the leader. For example, in the southwest of nigeria, the late chief obafemi awolowo is still rated as the very distinguished either because, among others sterling achievement, initiated the idea of education which gave many people the privilege to read and write.
  • MAINTENANCE OF LAW AND ORDER : in any organisation or community, there must be rules and regulation guiding the operations of the people. Where there has no mushrooms, the community organisation will not have focused. Therefore, it is the duty of the leader of the organisation to maintain law and order. The leader and his or her team make new rules and uphold the existing ones. Doors, such roller ensure that everybody that violate the rules and other are dealt with accordingly.
  • MOBILIZATION OF MEMBERS : it is the duty of a leader to mobilize and motivate his followers to work towards the realisation of set objective of the state. Naturally, human being can be indolence in their approach to issues, it is the duty of the leader to ensure that tasks are accomplished at when due. 
  • PROVISION OF ADEQUATE SECURITY : it is the duty of the leader to ensure that the followers feel secured at all time, no matter their location. Adequate security provides some psychological support that can make the people to want to reach greater heights. For example, in a country where there is war, where people are not safe, the level of development in such countries will usually be low, especially when compared to other where there is adequate security.
  • PROVISIONS OF BASIC NEEDS : it is the duty of a leader to provide the necessary names that will assist the people to achieve their respective goals. For example, in an organisation, such as the school, it is the duty of the principal to provide all necessary items such as chalkboard and socks for the teachers to teach or work effectively. Basic needs can, as well, be in form of social amenities needed in the community such as rods, electricity, pipe borne water, hospital, schools, and so on the basic needs of the people depends on the kind of the organisation or the community they are in and the leaders there must provide them accordingly.
  • INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS : a good leader must have good relationship with his subordinate or followers. Such leader must understand them and show them love and affection. The leader must know their problem and needs. In other words, a leader must have a way of exchanging ideas with subjects. The leader must be close to them. And, therefore, must not be too far from his people. You must assist them whenever the need arises.
  • EXTERNAL RELATIONS : it is the function of a good leader to maintain good relationship, not only internally, but also externally. In other words, a good leader must relate with his neighbour effectively. For example, the leader of a village must maintain good or cordial relationship with other villages. The leader of a country must relate with other countries so as to be able to benefit mutually from them.
Bad leadership brings about serious setback to the society. The following at the consequences of bad leadership.

  1. CIVIL UNREST : civil unrest as a situation whereby citizens of a country take law into their hands by disobeying the government order or demonstrating against the policy of the government. It is also known as civil disorder civil strife. It is a term used to describe any form of disturbance causes by a group of people who express their displeasure publicly against government. It can be in form of illegal parades, settings, roots, sabotage another form of crime. The major civil unrest nigeria has witnessed and overcome in recent time is the niger delta hostage and kidnapping of all workers. Currently, nigeria is witnessing the menace of boko haram, who born several foreign and government agency including the united nations house in abuja, force headquarter and so on.
  2. ECONOMIC HARDSHIP : economic hardship is another consequence of bad leadership which brings about poverty, unemployment, insecurity and farming. It also affect availability of social amenities such as good road and so on.
  3. FAILURE OF GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNMENT PROGRAMMES : video of government is a serious socio-economic problem in the country by which government cannot attend to basic needs of the citizens. It manifests in terms of social security, lawlessness and so on. So money is an example of a failed state and government in africa where there is no government, militant and revelry different territories in the country. Also, bad leadership brings about failure of government program and policies.
  4. WASTE OF RESOURCES : waste of resources is another consequence of bad leadership which manifests in various terms. For instance in nigeria, various governments waste and resources of the country by spending excessively ornaments projects. Also, a single project can be awarded twice or more. Also, few privileged ones can siphon the wealth of the nation under a policy guise.  the recent oil subsidy probe is an example of waste of resources in Nigeria. 
  5. BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION : bribery is a negative social behaviour which manifest in terms of inducement to gain on the survivor, usually on a contract or a position of power. Corruption is also a dishonest behaviour which manifest in terms of contract splitting, contract inflation, embezzlement and so on. What negative behaviour are usually the consequence of bad leadership in the society.
  6. INDISCIPLINE : indicipline is a negative behaviour which manifests in terms of lateness, truancy, cheating, and so on. All this manifest as a result of bad leadership in a country. 

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