Monday, July 23, 2018


You being a youth is a privilege and it is an opportunity that comes ones in a lifetime, their is no way that old man you see today just get into that stage he/she is now , they or he might have pass through some stage of which youth is included, a youth era is the very particular moment one needs to get expire in other not to get despair later on in the nearest future and as you have always know i advise people mainly on future not now, to be a futurist and a prudent person is not a very easy take job, but you use your strength to pull it.

It is only in your youth period you can plan for better future, are you getting me, to plan at old era or to shift one plan to 50's is what i define as evil and a future-error , the problem facing many old men of nowadays is that they did not plan well for their future at the right age, they forget the world is dynamic and always changing with time, and while time flies people ages and age is one factor one has to always consider in life, the life of a  youth come ones and it is not redeemable or recoverable while lost , so one has to have good plan in other to face this always challenging world of men that we found ourselves.

The junction one should get inspired in life is no other junction but youth, ones youth age must be manage and must be planned proper, the level of plan is the level of success, success is defined as the point you discover what business you do to survive and it keeps on making you survive, though success is defined by other genuine as that point in time where you have fulfill the necessary requirement for life sustainability and he who will enjoy such life will have to have planned ahead of time.

There is no real big deal about knowing the point, the question is that you will have to ask yourself if you are ready, if you are ready then you can ask yourself that what can i be doing, from this point, series of things might come to your head like business, now figure out what you love doing most, check what you love to do, the thing i will also advise you on is that don't venture into what you can't sustain yourself on at last, see it in mind that you are all okay with it even when it brings low income at the initial stage, great future business always turn out low income at start but what i will tell you is that try as much as possible while you are discovering to get good and discover the good fact about the things you would have love to do, the junction you should get inspired most in life is your youth age when you know you can see vision about the great world that awaits you and not that point in time that you will start dreaming of what you should have done while you are young, dreaming is for the old ones as have always tell you, tell yourself how can i get to greater height, your goal by now is your future and for that your future is your mission, not to talk much your mission is your vision, plan well before running out of time.

Your youth is the proper time you have to get inspired and focus, don't forget FOCUS means that you should FOLLOW, ONE, COURSE, UNTIL, SUCCESSFUL.

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