Going about with examination is one thing that student don't have knowledge of, they got scared of the exam and they got failed in the process, and as you can see it is only he who pass or have the good result we call champion and call a success but he who needs more points will only be told to try next time.
Now let see how you can tackle exam and pass, there are systems and idea you need to put in practice, though before you go for any exam you have to have read well not just checking some lines of the text and assuming that all is well with God, before you say all is well with God work hard I.e read hard then now beg God for help, God is not a magician that will come and show you the answer in exam hall.
Before I talk about those points, will quickly tell you some process to which you can execute in reading, now see this : you have to use the SQ3R style, this is very helpful and it works a lot.
- The "S" in this system is STUDY, now before you go for an examination, you have to study, when you are talking about studying, studying is checking how far topics you already know in the syllabus, you have exam next week now, you don't have to start from the scratch again, why can't you study and figure things out by yourself, see if you are good all those aspect that questions do come out from, part of studying is looking for a pass questions that can serve as your guide towards getting start to read.
- The 'Q' means QUESTION, ask yourself, how far have I gone in general what is what, you have study the exam, time, process, possible marking system, the best language to be use and so on, now is time to ask yourself question on what part you did not get in your study, if any, you can proceed to three.
- The 'R' means READ, this third point is the brain boss where you put things to head, I mean read, when you read, be sure you are getting it, if you don't get something, part of reading is that you can search Google for complicated words that pop up in youe reading process, that is why I will have advice you to always let dictionary be by your side any time you are about to read, be it you are in art, commercial or science, all you have to do is put a dictionary by your side, read hard, so far you have figured out what you need to read, you have to worry less, keep reading until you feel covered and satisfy, if I am the one I do apply sleep, to rest the brain, after waking am always active like a panther, it can also work for you before you move to the new step.
- The second 'R' is REVIEW, to in review is to check yourself, you know when you finish reading, you have to start asking yourself some question, e.g after reading a literature textbook, I will have like to ask myself what is literature, "literature is the subject that mirrors people's behaviors, customs and traditions for others to see and learn from", from the point I defined it well, I feel fulfilled on that and I keep assessing myself on what has been read.
- The last "R" is revise, we all know what revise means, after the review you will have to leave the book for like an hour or some hours just to rest your brain, so that you don't keep forgetting things that have been read, now you will have to come back to skim on the book pages, you open and revise, check through, am I still in line haven't I miss give two theories for each other and so on, from this point, ones you get it right you are good to go.
If your exam is still far will have like you to budget how the reading will be for you to finish up by one week to exam, and don't stop reading and reviewing.
- Don't go late to the exam hall, get there as early as 1hr to the time.
- Don't read much that day but rather skim through pages of the text.
- When you get to exam hall avoid talking to this and that person.
- Don't panic (this is where many people freaks out)
- Make sure you don't leave any questions unattempt (exams like jamb and post Utme in Nigeria are objective, so you must try picking something in all, even if you did not cover it while reading, don't freak out)
- Time management (that is why you have need to study those things before you move out of home)
- Make sure all questions is answered.
- Submit 1 minute to the end of exam, not because you are through in time, so you decide to submit at 35 minutes before time, instead use the time to cross check.
- Submit well (cbt exams) and for paper and pencil make sure you don't put any implicative things into your paper, check it well.
- Get out of the hall gently, some are found of whispering to friend stop such, and let your life be better, remember you are all competing, so be wise.
I hope this post is helpful, you can subscribe to our blog with your Gmail and journal can always enjoy fresh articles as they drop, bless up guys.
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